Sunday, February 26, 2017

Imagine if...
  • You didn’t need to write or produce any content
  • You didn’t need to create any courses to be given away
  • You didn’t need to create any products to sell
  • You didn’t need to write any sales letters
  • You didn’t need to pay for hosting or an auto-responder
  • You didn’t need to send emails at all
  • You didn’t need to provide any customer service or follow up
  • You didn’t need to research for what products or affiliate programs to promote
  • You didn’t even need to learn internet marketing!
Heck, with this program, you don’t need to do anything except for one simple task!

When you choose to use the CB Passive Income license, you will get an exact clone of my proven, successful business with the potential to generate a passive income through it… and we’ll handle absolutely *everything* for you.

I’ve invested in and created a very unique software system that allows you to make money from using my valuable content and promotions.

Basically, the software generates a unique link (only available for you to use) where it’ll send them to a “secret web page” to get my highly valuable software and course for free.
And here’s the most exciting part – after they’ve subscribed, EACH TIME an email is sent to them from the system, it’ll have your affiliate link to the product that’s being promoted so that you can earn affiliate commission from it!

  • So technically, in essence, every single email that is sent out from CB Passive Income’s system will have the potential to make money for you!

    And you don’t need to do any work at all, because I AM WORKING FOR YOU, for free.

    It’s like having me create content for you, do all of the marketing for you and continue to think of ways how you can make even MORE money.

    I’ll continue to monetize the subscribers for you. And the good news is, you’ve already read my credibility – I’ve been in this business for a decade now and have thousands of customers all around the world.

    In short…

    You simple give away my software or courses. You'll then get subscribers and our systems automatically take over and it's all hands free income and support for you after that.

  • The CB Passive Income License Program was launched back in August 2013 and has helped hundreds of marketers and newbies to make money online on auto-pilot.

    In 2014, we’ve upgraded the product to version 2.0 so that you’ll be able to get more leads from your promotion and also to generate passive income.

    After that, we’ve released version 3.0. With version 3.0, you’ll now have MULTIPLE “secret pages” to promote.

    Why is this important to increase your profit?

    Because it’ll create multiple streams of income for you. For instance, instead of promoting the software offer, you can also promote our social media offer. This will be focused for those who wants to learn on how to make money online from Facebook.

    But the most important upgrade would probably be the AI Optin Detector.

    In a layman explanation, here’s what it does:

    If the website visitor has already subscribed, our software will be able to detect that and offer a product promotion instead of asking them to subscribe again for free. You’ll then earn commission for any sales made. And the best part is, all of these are automated.

    This instantly INCREASE your profit because every single visitor to your “secret webpage” will have the possibility of becoming your subscriber OR customer for you to make money online.
    Enter Version 4.0
    We're going mobile in 4.0.

    There are over 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide and according to StatCounter, 37% of website visits in 2015 were generated by mobile web browsers. On top of that, mobile ad spend is higher than for desktop ads.

    Introducing the Facebook Click-To-Optin Feature.

    Not only your done-for-you webpages are mobile-friendly to convert for you, your mobile traffic visitors will be able to subcribe without even typing their email addresses! They'll automatically optin through their Facebook email address when they click the "optin button".

    What does this also means? It means, you're going to be able to buy traffic at a much lower cost because mobile traffic is cheap. But they are as targeted as desktop traffic when you have a "mobile-adapted" offer to promote.

    This also means you'll be getting more subscribers and making more sales because 30% of your traffic will not get "wasted" anymore.
    • You’re a newbie who’s looking for a real legitimate home business to make a part-time income wholly on auto-pilot once you've build your list
    • You’re already an experienced marketer and know some internet marketing basics. Right now, you want to use the system to ADD ANOTHER INCOME STREAM to your current business to generate MORE passive income for you
    • You’re an internet marketer who wants to leverage on my system because you’ve heard about my credibility that brings results to the table
    By now, you might be thinking what the investment cost is like.

    Needless to say, this is not a cheap system to be involved with.

    In terms of the web page design, copywriting and the back-end system, it would have easily cost you $3,500 to get it done alone. But that’s still relatively okay because it’s a one-time investment…

    But hiring a writer, researcher, technical guys and an email marketer too? Well, that would probably cost you $5,000 – a MONTHA heavy fixed cost.

    How about having me to in charge think of the unique marketing strategies and doing work, on a retainer basis?

    Right now, I charge up to $1,500 per hour for consultation.

    And if you were to get me involved to overlook or consult throughout a project, I’ll take royalties between 10% to 20% of net profits.

    All in all, you should at least be prepared to spend about $25,000 to have a system like this in place.

    Obviously, if you could get a system like this for just $1,497, you would have gotten yourself an awesome deal. Fact is, I’ve seen a program like this being offered for $1,997 before.

    Today, your investment is not $1,497. Not $997. Or even $497.

    Your investment is just a $47 per month or a one-time affordable investment of $97.
  • My 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee

  • I personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort to learn, follow the instructions and effectively use the CB Passive Income License Program, you can be making money from the internet very shortly. Maybe in just a few days from now you would have recouped your investment.

    But if you are not 100% satisfied with it for whatever reason, let me know within the next 60 days and I’ll issue you an immediate, hassle-free 100% refund.

    I’m taking all of the risks to make sure that you can be wildly successful. It’s really as simple as that.

product vendor:patric chan       

Who is Patric Shin?

Patric Chan is one of those "ordinary people" who is living an extraordinary lifestyle despite his "interesting" background. Living on a small island in Asia, never been to a college or University, having absolutely no network of association and starting with zero money, Patric is now an international speaker, best-selling author and entrepreneur.

To help people around the world achieve success, he specializes in breaking down complex success techniques and strategies into simple-to-understand concepts that can be applied instantly to their lives. Other than that, his success formulas are based on practical methods - not any 'new age' concept.

He has spoken in many countries such as the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, the United Kingdom, India, China, Hong Kong, the United Emirates Arab, Thailand, etc. Patric is also featured in a book with other authors like Brian Tracy, Robert T. Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Zig Zizlar, Tom Hopkins, Suze Orman, and others.

Patric has co-authored Clicking Cash with Robert G. Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of One Minute Millionaire, Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down and Cash In A Flash. 

His Success Trace Newsletter, has thousands of subscribers from all around the world; through this newsletter, Patric shares new valuable success tips and information that will take the subscribers to the next level of personal improvement.